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21 setembro 2021

Carl Sagan's Cosmic Calendar

If all of time, from the occurrence of Big Bang to the present time, was compressed into a single Earth calendar year... 365 days... each day is about 37.8 million years.

December - Cosmic Year.


Date Gya (billion years ago) Event

1 Jan 13.8 Big Bang, as seen through cosmic background radiation

14 Jan 13.1 Oldest known Gamma Ray Burst

22 Jan 12.85 First galaxies form

16 Mar 11 Milky Way Galaxy formed

12 May 8.8 Milky Way Galaxy disk formed

2 Sep 4.57 Formation of the Solar System

6 Sep 4.4 Oldest rocks known on Earth

Date in year calculated from formula

T(days) = 365 days * 0.100/13.797 ( 1- T_Gya/13.797 )

Evolution of life on Earth

Date Gya (billion years ago) Event

14 Sep 4.1 First known remains of biotic life (discovered in 4.1 billion-year-old rocks in Western Australia).

21 Sep 3.8 First Life (Prokaryotes)

30 Sep 3.4 Photosynthesis

29 Oct 2.4 Oxygenation of atmosphere

9 Nov 2 Complex cells (Eukaryotes)

5 Dec 0.8 First multicellular life

7 Dec 0.67 Simple animals

14 Dec 0.55 Arthropods (ancestors of insects, arachnids)

17 Dec 0.5 Fish and Proto-amphibians

20 Dec 0.45 Land plants; Ordovician–Silurian extinction events

21 Dec 0.4 Insects and seeds

22 Dec 0.36 Amphibians; Late Devonian extinction

23 Dec 0.3 Reptiles

24 Dec 0.25 Permian–Triassic extinction event; 57% of all biological families and 83% of all genera die

25 Dec 0.23 Dinosaurs

26 Dec 0.2 Mammals; Triassic–Jurassic extinction event

27 Dec 0.15 Birds (avian dinosaurs)

28 Dec 0.13 Flowers

30 Dec, 06:24 0.065 Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, non-avian dinosaurs die out

Human evolution

Date / time Mya (million years ago) Event

30 Dec 65 Primates

31 Dec, 06:05 15 Apes

31 Dec, 14:24 12.3 Hominids

31 Dec, 22:24 2.5 Primitive humans and stone tools

31 Dec, 23:44 0.4 Domestication of fire

31 Dec, 23:52 0.2 Anatomically modern humans

31 Dec, 23:55 0.11 Beginning of most recent Glacial Period

31 Dec, 23:58 0.035 Sculpture and painting

31 Dec, 23:59:32 0.012 Agriculture Neolitic

*  *  *  *  *

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